Thursday, June 9, 2016

James Dobson's Expository Wisdom

James Dobson has wielded his razor-sharp hermeneutical sword, slicing through the cultural void between Moses and us.
“It’s addressed directly to parents, I think. It’s Leviticus 19:29. Listen to this: ‘Do not degrade your daughters by making them a prostitute or the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness.’ That comes right to the heart of this. It sort of feels like that’s where we are. We’re taking our little, vulnerable kids and we’re saying in the name of political correctness, ‘Here are our children. Do with them what you want.’ And I’m here to say that I’m going to fight that as long as I have breath in my body.”
Doesn't that put the whole transgender bathroom debate into perspective? If people are allowed to use their chosen toilets, our daughters will become prostitutes.

If The Wittenburg Door were still in print, this would surely have garnered a Green Weenie Award, possibly the coveted Theologian of the Year.

RightWingWatch has an article reporting this and a few other gems from an episode of Dobson's "Family Talk" radio show with Janet Porters of Faith 2 Action.

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